Ellen Sharrocks Counselling

Counselling in Central Leicester

Sessions and Fees

Counselling Fees

For the initial consultation, which can be up to 50 minutes, I charge £25. After this, counselling sessions are held weekly at the same time each week, with each session lasting 50 minutes. Individual counselling fees are £50 per session and for couples/relationship counselling, £60 per session. I usually take payment by bank transfer before the start of a session. However, if you would prefer to pay by cash or cheque, just let me know.

Regular, weekly counselling is an important part of the counselling process. However, sometimes it is necessary to cancel sessions, eg: holidays or sickness. I won’t charge for any session I need to cancel and I aim to give several weeks’ notice, although in the case of illness, for example, this may not be possible.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel a session for any reason, I charge a £25 cancellation fee and I charge the full session fee if I am given less than 24 hours’ notice. Sometimes, it may be possible to re-arrange a session that one of us would otherwise have had to cancel, and we can discuss this the session beforehand.

Counselling Through Your Health Insurance

I am a registered therapist with both AXA and Aviva health insurers. You can access counselling with me through them if you have the relevant health insurance. Please contact your insurer first to obtain the necessary authorisation.

Counselling & Psychotherapy Trainees

For those of you who are counselling/psychotherapy trainees, I am BACP accredited and my core training was in contemporary psychodynamic counselling. In common with many practioners, I do, however, incorporate other models of thinking into my practice.

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